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Nonito Paz Arroyo Memorial National High School Accomplishments...

4th placer on Inter-Secondary Modern Dance Competition at University of Saint Anthony

During the 61th Founndation of University of Saint Anthony, NPAMNHS got the 4th place of Inter Secondary Modern Dance Showdown.

66th Foundation of University of Saint Anthony, Military Street Parade & Competition, Won the 1oth place of Best Marching Unit.

Got the 3rd place during the 64th Foundation of USANT held last February 10, 2011.

The evidence of Nonito Paz Arroyo Memorial National High School achievements for being one of the competitive school.

  NPAMNHS has a lot of achievements. It has a new storey building that adds to the convenience of students, successful graduates and school activities. They are also winner in some of the municipality's activity.

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