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Message of the Principal


In behalf of the administration and teaching staff of Nonito Paz Arroyo Memorial National High School, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the administration of Central Bicol State University of Agriculture through the College of Development Education for believing and choosing

Maria Helena N. Labrador, PhD

NPAMNHS- Principal I

  our institution as one of the cooperating schools for the off-campus teaching of your fourth year students. It is a privilege and honor. Entrusting your student teachers in our school implies your full trust to NPAMNHS as an instrument for them to become effective and efficient advocate of learning. To the student teachers, thank you for the love, perseverance and knowledge you have imparted to our students. I hope that all the experiences and learning during your stay in our school will serve as an important milestone in the field you have chosen. A few days from now, you are about to finish another chapter of your life. You will soon embark on a new journey that will ring in the new and much bigger challenges. Your Alma Matter has equipped you with knowledge and skills to help you handle every academic obstacle in the future. May the Lord continue to bless your plans and dreams. Again, congratulations on your graduation day.

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